South Hobart Yoga & Meditation
SHYAM is a community-focussed yoga studio providing a range of classes, workshops and activities based around the culture of yoga. Yoga encourages a creative, conscious approach to life based on a foundation of physical and mental wellbeing.
SHYAM is about authentic, holistic yoga – for the body, mind, emotions, psyche and spirit.
SHYAM founder, Helen Cushing, also known as Ahimsa, is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and presenter, including in yoga for trauma recovery. SHYAM believes in meeting the needs of our community in all its diversity. SHYAM's team of highly trained teachers have a range of skills, interests and personalities - meet them now on the teachers page!
People of all ages and levels of fitness or flexibility are welcome at SHYAM. Most teachers are trained in Satyananda Yoga - each class blends postures, breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation, from beginners to experienced.
SHYAM also offers general and specialised yoga classes, seminars, workshops, retreats and one-to-one consultations.
Holistic Yoga at SHYAM
Yoga is about learning to be strong, flexible and healthy, physically, mentally and emotionally. It gives you practical tools to manage life, enhancing positivity, overall wellbeing and potential. Yoga is concerned with the human spirit, the subtle part of each person that that is a wellspring of inspiration, positivity and resilience.
The holistic yoga we teach at SHYAM provides the tools to help you accomplish these goals by integrating methods and ideas from the various branches of yoga, such as hatha, raja, jnana and kundalini.
Satyananda Yoga was founded by Swami Satyananda (1923-2009) in India in the 1960s. In his quest to "spread yoga from shore to shore and door to door", a modernised, integral yoga emerged from his profound understanding of the various classical yoga traditions, based on the spiritual culture of the Vedas and Tantras. Today thousands of teachers around the world provide this holistic form of yoga to people from all walks of life. At Bihar School of Yoga, India, the tradition continues under the guidance of Swami Satyananda’s successor, Swami Niranjan. Ahimsa has lived at Bihar School of Yoga, training directly with Swami Niranjan.
Where is SHYAM?
SHYAM students love our yoga room - it's in an historic sandstone building that has always been a place for education and community. Built as the original South Hobart Primary School, later it was for Adult Education programs, including yoga. In 2017 it re-opened as SOHO Arts, providing much-needed facilities for the arts, culture and community activities.
Conveniently situated on the corner of Weld and Macquarie Streets, with onsite parking, it has a peaceful and gracious atmosphere, perfect for yoga and meditation. Find out more at the centre's website