Unlimited Yoga at SHYAM
Every week
Develop flexibility, focus & relaxation
For just $40/week you can attend multiple yoga classes. You need to choose a primary class. You can attend any other classes below that level eg if you enrol in 2 | Develop Yoga, you can also attend levels 1 & 2, but not level 3. You can attend Yoga & Meditation if you are enrolled in Level 2 or 3, or choose it as your primary class if you are experienced.
Weekly payment automated to make it easy for you
How to access your Unlimited Yoga Plan
1. Complete the Enrolment Form
Direct Debit
To avoid the credit card surcharge set up a weekly deposit of $40 into this bank acc:
Account name: South Hobart Yoga & Meditation
BSB: 633 000
Account number: 160136073
Reference: Class + your surname eg UY Watson
Thank you!